Friday 24 May 2013

Guide customers through their lifecycle whilst enhancing customer relationship and value

It is commonly known that retaining existing customers is less expensive and more profitable than acquiring new ones. The ability to effectively manage customer relationships whilst optimising customer value is more essential than ever before.
Customer Lifecycle Management (CLM) is a framework developed to nurture ongoing customer relationships throughout the lifecycle. It is about handling and fulfilling every customer interaction across all touch points.
Digital Alchemy’s proprietary CLM framework has been developed based on our experience in working with an extensive range of industries. We have designed CLM solutions for telecommunications, banking, insurance and others, this in-depth experience will be used as the building block to jumpstart your project.
Based on the industry you’re in, our CLM solution will be mapped into your existing marketing programs so you are able to:
  •  identify the gaps in your marketing activities  •  understand what necessary actions are missing from your current programs  •  shift your focus to improve the relationship with your customers and achieve your business objectives
CLM framework consists of 5 stages: Acquisition, Onboarding, Growth & Nurturing, Save, and Winback. Each stage, consisting of a suite of highly specific triggers and recommended campaign ideas, works in a coordinated way to:
  •  increase customer value  •  improve customer tenure, and  •  enhance customer relationship

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