Wednesday, 3 April 2013

The Related of Social Trend  and Generation Cohorts in Customer Experience 

       Setelah kita membahas tentang Generation Cohorts dan Sosial Trend pada bab "Analyzing The Marketing Environement" pada kelas Manajemen Pemasaran yang di ajarkan oleh Ms.Ritzky, Maka pada kesempatan ini kita akan mengulas habis-habisan tentang makna, arti, hubungan dan seluk beluk dari konsep tersebut. ingin tahu apa sih, Tren Sosial dan Generation Cohorts? yukkkkk.. mari di baca.. semoga bermanfaat, Tuhan Yesus Memberkati.

Generation Cohorts adalah pengelompokan masyarakat berdasarkan tahun kelahiran atau juga masa pada masyarakat di mana pada tiap-tiap masa itu memiliki habit atau pola perilaku yang berbeda dari masa sebelum ada sesudah.


The generation of people born during the 1980s and early 1990s. The name is based on Generation X, the generation that preceded them.
Members of Generation Y are often referred to as “echo boomers” because they are the children of parents born during the baby boom (the “baby boomers”). Because children born during this time period have had constant access to technology (computers, cell phones) in their youth, they have required manyemployers to update their hiring strategy in order to incorporate updated forms of technology. Also called millennials, echo boomers, internet generation, iGen, net generation.
The phrase Generation Y first appeared in an August 1993 Ad Age editorial to describe teenagers of the day, which they defined as different from Generation X, and then aged 12 or younger as well as the teenagers of the upcoming ten years. Since then, the company has sometimes used 1982 as the starting birth year for this generation. "Generation Y" alludes to a succession from "Generation X."
Authors William Strauss and Neil Howe wrote about the Millennials in Generations: The History of America's Future, 1584 to 2069 in 1991. In 2000, they released an entire book devoted to them, titled Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation. According to Bruce Horovitz writing in USA Today Strauss and Howe are "widely credited with naming the Millennials".[1] Strauss and Howe use 1982 as the Millennials' starting birth year and 2004 as the last birth year.
Several alternative names have been proposed by various people: Generation WeGlobal GenerationGeneration Next, and the Net Generation.
Millennials are sometimes called Echo Boomers, referring to the size of the generation in relation to the Baby Boomer generation and due to the significant increase in birth rates during the 1980s and into the 1990s. In America, birth rates peaked in 1990 and a 20th century trend toward smaller families in developed countries continued.
In Australia, there is debate over Millennial birth dates. It is generally accepted, however, that the first Millennials were born in 1983. The Australian Bureau of Statistics, use 1983–2000.
In Canada, 1983 is generally thought to be the starting birth year for Generation Y, ending in 1999 or 2000, even as late as 2004.
Like members of Generation X, who were heavily influenced by MTV, early members of Generation Y are also sometimes called the MTV Generation.
Newsweek has used the term Generation 9/11 to refer to young people who were between the ages of 10 and 20 on September 11, 2001 The first reference to "Generation 9/11" was made in the cover story of the November 12, 2001 issue of Newsweek Magazine. This could be considered a sub-group in Generation Y.

  • Social Trend.... 

 Adalah gaya atau lifestyle yang muncul pada masyarakat baik itu bersifat persuasif ataupun non persuasif.


 A persistent change in social relations and social structure over time. Trends are the aggregate effect of many uncoordinated individual and group actions, e.g., bureaucratization, industrialization, urbanization, suburbanization, etc. Social trends also affect individuals even though individuals may be largely unaware that it affects others also in a similar manner. (For a distinction between social trends and social movements see Rudolf Heberle and also Ron E. Roberts and Robert Marsh Kloss.)

Hubungan Social Trend, Generation Cohorts dan Customer Experience 
adalah ketiga elemen ini saling melengkapi dan mempengaruhi. maksud dari saling melengkapi dan saling mempengaruhi adalah, ketika jaman semakin tua, peradaban semakin maju, maka akan terciptalah nuansa social trend seperti pada masa saat ini. pada generasi Y dan Tween saat ini, maka tren teknologi semakin berkembang dan menjadi kebutuhan penting bagi beberapa kalangan. hal ini juga dapat mempengaruhi aspek CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE, dimana masyarakat juga menginginkan pengalaman yang unik dan hal ini sekaligus sebagai strategi jitu bagi perusahaan untuk merebut pasar di era tween dan gen Y.
Perusahaan dapat mempelajari bagaimana behaviour dan trend pada masa saat ini untuk mengikat hati pelanggan lewat experience yang di tawarkan bagi perusahaan untuk masyarakat.

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